Ярема П. - 10-12-2007 у 17:46
Будемо тут складати таку інформацію як в назві темі.
Отже, перший раз для Українців (англійський текст під німецьким, виділення мої):
(Примітка: подано оригінальний текст, але видно, по старій звичці
вписали the Ukraine!!!!)
Jahresstipendien des Freistaates Bayern fuer Hochschul-Absolventen aus Mittel- und Suedosteuropa 2008/09
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
das Bayerische Staatsministerium fuer Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst vergibt voraussichtlich fuer das Studienjahr 2008/09 erneut Stipendien fuer
Hochschulabsolventen aus Bulgarien, Kroatien, Polen, Rumaenien, Serbien, der Slowakei, Tschechien, der Ukraine (neu!) und
Ungarn. Das Bewerbungsverfahren laeuft wie in den Vorjahren ueber das Bayerische Hochschulzentrum fuer Mittel-, st- und Suedosteuropa BAYHOST in
Bei BAYHOST bewerben koennen sich ueberdurchschnittlich begabte Hochschulabsolventen, die ab Wintersemester 2008/09 an einer staatlichen bayerischen
Universitaet oder Fachhochschule in einem Promotions- oder Aufbau-Studiengang studieren moechten. Das Stipendienprogramm steht fuer Studierende aller
Fachrichtungen offen. Die Altersgrenze liegt bei 30 Jahren.
Die Stipendien des Freistaates Bayern werden zunaechst fuer ein Jahr bewilligt, koennen aber auf Antrag verlaengert werden. Die Foerderungsdauer
betraegt damit maximal drei Jahre; sie beginnt jeweils zum 1. Oktober. Monatlich erhalten die Stipendiaten 700 Euro. Alleinerziehende oder
Stipendiaten mit Kind und nicht berufstaetigem Partner koennen Familienzuschlag von monatlich 160 Euro beantragen. Nach Moeglichkeit wird den
Stipendiaten auf Antrag vom jeweiligen Studentenwerk eine Unterkunft in einem Studierendenwohnheim vermittelt.
Bewerbungsschluss fuer Erstantraege ist der 15. Februar 2008 (Eingangsdatum).
Weitere Informationen sowie das Online-Formular finden Sie in der Rubrik "Stipendien" unter http://www.bayhost.de
Wir bitten Sie, diese Ausschreibung an Kollegen, Studierende und Interessierte weiterzuleiten.
Mit freundlichen Grueßen
Marian Mure und Birgit Vierling
Subject: One year scholarship program sponsored by the Free State of Bavaria
Dear Madam / Sir,
The Bavarian Academic Centre for Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe (BAYHOST) would like to ask you to pass this information to your students
and other par-ties who might be interested.
We would like to raise your attention to this call for applications to its annual scholar-ship program:
The Free State of Bavaria invites applications for its one-year scholarship program for students from Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe for the
academic year 2008/09 via BAYHOST.
The Bavarian ministry for science, research and art is expected to sponsor scholarships for the academic year 2008/09. Graduates from Bulgaria,
Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and for the first time from the Ukraine are eligible
to apply. The scholarships are meant to finance doctoral or postgraduate studies at Bavarian universities. One year scholarships can be extended twice
for up to 3 years.
The scholarship is paid out monthly (700 EUR) and amounts to 8400 EUR per
year. Students with children or an unemployed partner and at least one child receive 860 EUR per month, which amounts to 10320 EUR per year.
Candidates should send their documents to the Bavarian Academic Centre for Central, Eastern and southeastern Europe (BAYHOST). Application details
can be found on the BAYHOST website --> http://www.bayhost.de .
ATTENTION: Application deadline for first time applications is the 15th of February 2007 (date of receipt!). Requests for extension must reach us by
15th of March 2007. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Best regards
Marian Mure and Birgit Vierling
scholarship programs
Marian Mure, M.A.
Bitte vormerken: BAYHOST-vbw-Hochschulmesse am 23. April 2008
an der Universitaet Regensburg!
Bayerisches Hochschulzentrum fuer Mittel-, Ost- und Suedosteuropa
Universitaetsstrasse 31
D-93053 Regensburg
Tel.: ++49 (0)941-943-5046, -5049 - Fax: ++49 (0)941-943-5051
E-Mail: mure@bayhost.de
URL: http://www.bayhost.de
Ярема П. - 10-12-2007 у 20:42
І ще одна, стипендія фонду Вишеградського, для соціальних наук:
Dear Colleagues and Prospective Students,
Please forward the information about this unique opportunity to your
colleagues and students!
The Institute for Social and European Studies (ISES) would like to call your attention to a unique opportunity to study in one of the V4 countries
(Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland) with an International Visegrad Fund Scholarship. This scholarship covers all your tuition costs related
for the joint Master Program of ISES and Corvinus University of Budapest in IR and European Studies.
Students are eligible to apply from the following countries: Albania,Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia,
Moldova, Montenegro, Russian Federation, Slovak Republic, Serbia, Poland and Ukraine.
Applicants must have successfully finished at least 4 semesters of bachelor studies at their home university or must have finished their master
studies and need to have a letter of acceptance from the future hosting university.
Application Deadline is 31 January 2008.
Please visit http://www.european-studies.hu and
Гранти та стипендії у ЛЬВОВІ!!!!
Ірина Роздольська - 23-12-2007 у 12:59
Оголошення про конкурс стипендій
З приємністю повідомляємо про щорічний конкурс стипендій Центру міської історії
Центрально-Східної Європи.
Дослідницькі стипендії
Центр пропонуватиме до п’яти Дослідницьких стипендій для кандидатських або
пост-кандидатських проектів. Стипендіати, як правило, повинні походити з колишніх
радянських або соціалістичних країн Центрально-Східної Європи. Загалом, проекти
мають стосуватися періоду 1750-2000 та території, яку можна умовно віднести до
Центрально-Східної Європи, включаючи Росію, а також Центрально-Південну Європу.
Водночас, хоча Центр надає значну перевагу різноманітним теоретичним підходам та
методам досліджень, ми особливо заохочуємо соціальну та культурну історію в
широкому значенні. Дослідники повинні займатися міською історією в рамках
міжнаціонального та міждисциплінарного підходів, стираючи межі традиційного
академічного поділу шляхом концентрування на ґрунтовних дослідженнях
конкретних місць. Ми також заохочуємо порівняльні підходи, не у вузькому значенні
слова, а передбачаючи загальну увагу до всього, що є різноманітним, складним,
багатошаровим у міському минулому, а також спілкування та інтелектуальний обмін
з іншими науковцями, особливо із стипендіатами Центру.
Ті, хто отримають Дослідницькі стипендії центру, мають бути готові подати своє
дослідження у Центр та запропонувати текст, пов’язаний із ним, обсягом від 3000 до
5000 слів для публікації на веб-сайті Центру.
Шляхом надання своїх дослідницьких стипендій Центр має на меті підтримувати
роботу у наступних напрямках:
* Місто/Село
Теми дослідження можуть включати наступні аспекти, але не обмежуються ними:
міграція із села до міста, міста в глибині країни і прикордонні міста та їхні
регіони, оточення і побут, зміна ідентичності та/або різнорідна ідентичність,
оспорювання та присвоєння земель, відносини соціальної та просторової
мобільності, створення взаємного сприйняття та стереотипів між сільським та
міським населенням, питання дисципліни, контролю та мобілізації за різних
політичних режимів, ринки та міжетнічні стосунки.
* Наслідки та спадщина Голодомору 1932-33 рр. для міст
Голодомор 1932-33 рр., одна із найважливіших та найтрагічніших подій в історії
України, в основному досліджувався з точки зору його політичних причин та
руйнівних наслідків для сільської місцевості. Його вплив на міста, їх спільноту
та культуру досліджувався менше. Центр заохочує подання на проекти, що допоможуть
заповнити цю нішу.
* Сексуальність, міське життя та соціальна дисципліна у пізній Габсбурзькій
Ця тема може включати, але не обмежується наступними аспектами:
інституціоналізація сексу поза шлюбом та в його межах, реалії та образи
гомосексуалізму, встановлення та стирання гендерних ролей, зокрема у стосунку до
питань сексуальності та репродукції, проституція та її місце в офіційному та
неофіційному дискурсі, соціальні та етнічні відмінності, сексуальна
експлуатація, включаючи торгівлю жінками.
* Єврейська спадщина міст Центрально-Східної Європи
Дослідження аспектів міської спадщини єврейської цивілізації, майже повністю
знищеної Голокостом, їх сучасне значення і повторне відкриття.
* Навколишнє середовище та місто у радянських або соціалістичних країнах
Центрально-Східної Європи
Підтримка дослідження взаємодії зміни навколишнього середовища під впливом
людини, міської спільноти, політики та культури у європейській частині
Радянського Союзу та країнах колишнього радянського соціалістичного блоку. Теми
дослідження можуть включати наступні аспекти, але не обмежуються ними: значення і
наслідки Чорнобильської катастрофи, співвідношення між політичними
протиріччями та проблемами навколишнього середовища, проблеми навколишнього
середовища у пострадянському місті.
Стипендіати усіх категорій дослідницьких стипендій отримуватимуть щомісячну
стипендію розміром 200 ? та матимуть змогу подавати прохання про покриття
додаткових дорожніх витрат розміром до 500 ? для проведення дослідження у місці, що
не є місцем їхнього навчання чи постійного проживання.
Всі подання мають включати:
1. Резюме
2. Пропозицію проекту (подвійний інтервал, 11-12 шрифт, не менше трьох і не більше
п’яти сторінок)
3. Лист, що пояснює, яким чином проект пов’язаний із однією з тем цьогорічного
4. Зразок опублікованого або неопублікованого наукового тексту (стаття або
розділ дисертації)
5. Три рекомендаційні листи від науковців або дослідників, включаючи їх повну
адресу та контакти.
Всі матеріали подання мають надсилатися електронною поштою як додаток Word до
Наукового директора, Таріка Сиріла Амара на адресу t.c.amar[at]lvivcenter.org.
Стипендії для проживання
Центр також пропонуватиме стипендії для проживання, які дадуть можливість
перебувати у Львові, користуючись науковими ресурсами Центру.
Ці стипендії відкриті для студентів-випускників та науковців незалежно від
громадянства та країни походження. Максимальний період проживання складатиме
один місяць.
Стипендії включають проживання у приміщенні Центру у Львові та доступ до його
загальних ресурсів та обладнання.
Для дослідників із Центрально-Східної Європи може додаватися обмежена грошова
допомога на проживання на розгляд Центру.
Очікується, що стипендіати братимуть участь у заходах Центру, спілкуватимуться з
його працівниками та представлять у Центрі своє дослідження.
Всі подання мають включати:
1. Резюме
2. Пропозицію проекту (подвійний інтервал, 11-12 шрифт, не більше двох сторінок)
3. Зразок наукового тексту, краще опублікованого
Всі матеріали подання мають надсилатися електронною поштою як додаток Word до
Наукового директора, Таріка Сиріла Амара на адресу t.c.amar[at]lvivcenter.org.
Стипендії для короткотривалих досліджень та подорожей
Як правило, такі стипендії розраховані та науковців із Центрально-Східної Європи,
що працюють в університетах та науково-дослідних установах. Вони складають
максимально 500 ?, в основному це кошти на дорожні витрати, включаючи проживання та
харчування. Невеликі суми можуть також використовуватися на фотокопіювання або
інші форми матеріальної репродукції. Очікується, що стипендіати цього виду
стипендії презентують своє дослідження в Центрі.
Науковці, що бажають отримати стипендію, мають подати наступні матеріали:
1. Резюме
2. Пропозицію проекту (подвійний інтервал, 11-12 шрифт, не більше двох сторінок)
3. Приблизний бюджет стипендії, включаючи маршрут, витрати на дорогу та
проживання тощо
4. Зразок наукового тексту, краще опублікованого
5. Два рекомендаційні листи від науковців або дослідників, включаючи їх повну
адресу та контакти.
Всі матеріали подання мають надсилатися електронною поштою як додаток Word до
Наукового директора, Таріка Сиріла Амара на адресу t.c.amar[at]lvivcenter.org.
Термін подачі
Всі подання мають надійти у Центр не пізніше 20 січня 2008 року.
Кандидатів буде поінформовано про рішення Центру найпізніше 28 лютого.
Ярема П. - 21-1-2008 у 21:57
Для ризиковних - PhD в Гонконгу!
Даю лінки, може в когось виникне бажання провести час на батьківщині Брюса Лі 
Ярема П. - 21-1-2008 у 22:11
Зближається дедлайн стипендії фонду Вишеградського. Нагадую, це стипендія, яка
дозволяє вчитися в вузах Польщі, Словаччини, Угорщини і Чехії. Внизу інформація по
англійськи, але на сайті фонду є інформація і по українськи.
Dear Colleagues and Prospective Students,
Please forward the information about this unique opportunity to your colleagues and students!
The Institute for Social and European Studies (ISES) would like to call your attention to a unique opportunity to study in one of the V4 countries
(Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland) with an International Visegrad Fund Scholarship. This scholarship covers all your tuition costs related
for the joint Master Program of ISES and Corvinus University of Budapest in IR and European Studies.
Students are eligible to apply from the following countries: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia,
Moldova, Montenegro, Russian Federation, Slovak Republic, Serbia, Poland and Ukraine.
Applicants must have successfully finished at least 4 semesters of bachelor studies at their home university or must have finished their master
studies and need to have a letter of acceptance from the future hosting university.
Application Deadline is 31. January 2008.
Please visit http://www.european-studies.hu and http://www.visegradfund.org/scholarships.html
Visegrad Scholarship Programme (VSP)
Intra-Visegrad scholarships - for scholars coming from one of the V4 countries who plan to study in another V4 country.
In-Coming scholarships - for outstanding students or master degree or equivalent) holders who are citizens of the following countries: Albania,
Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Russian Federation, Serbia and Ukraine.
Scholarship Programme for Ukrainian Students - for scholars coming to V4 countries from the Ukraine.
All universities accredited by Government (Ministry of Education) and Institutes of the Academy of Sciences are eligible to be host as well as home
Starting from the next deadline, applications will be accepted only on-line. The on-line registration application form will be available on our
website from November 2007.
PhD в Брістольському Центрі прикладної нелінійної математики
Ярема П. - 24-1-2008 у 14:47
Брістольський Центр прикладної нелінійної математики запрошує робити PhD в себе, є
Детальніше тут http://www.enm.bris.ac.uk/anm/jobs.html#phdRWA
PhD studentships in real-world applications of Nonlinear Mathematics and Engineering
The Bristol Centre for Applied Nonlinear Mathematics at the Department of Engineering Mathematics of the University of Bristol is a unique
interdisciplinary research environment where mathematicians, engineers and applied scientists work together on the most challenging applications of
nonlinear mathematics.
Thanks to a new grant from the UK Engineering and Physical Research Council, 4 Ph D studentships are now available to join the Centre starting bet
ween January 20 08 and October 2008.
We seek bright enthusiastic potential PhD students who should either have a first degree in mathematics, physics or engineering with an interest in
engaging with applications, or a first degree in the life sciences with strong mathematical potential.
Full scholarships of up to £14100 are available for suitably qualified candidates (both UK students and students from any country of the European
All students will become part of the Applied Nonlinear Mathematics group of the Engineering Mathematics department at the University of Bristol (http://www.enm.bris.ac.uk/anm/). Their projects will form part of a £2 million research initiative which also involves four Postdoctoral Res
earch Assistants and an extensive visitor and workshop programme.
Each project will be strongly inter-disciplinary and will be focussed on a real-world application area. Each will involve extensive collaboration
between theoreticians and experimentalists. A brief description of each project area is given below.
* Neurophysiology of the human brain. The aim is to develop novel mathematical techniques that may be useful to clinical and experimental
neuroscientists working on a range of problems, from how brain regions communicate with each other, to understanding debilitating neurological
disorders, such as epilepsy.
* Biomechanics. Biomechanical systems frequently perform far better than any man-made device; the challenge is to understand how this is possible.
We will focus on problems such as the mechanics of hearing, and pedestrian locomotion, which will require new theory to deal with the (self)sustained
periodic, impacting (piecewise-smooth) motion of an assembly of nonlinearly elastic components with spatial extent.
* Hybrid testing of engineering systems . Many engineering systems , such as bridges and aircrafts, are too large and complicated to be tested in
the laboratory as a whole. Hybrid testing addresses this issue by coupling a laboratory experiment of an important part with a computer simulation of
the rest of the system. Mathematical challenges include dealing with coupling delays, noise, and uncertainties in the modelling.
* Mechanical transmission systems. The rotating parts of automotive transmission systems, aircraft engines and even wind turbines suffer noise and
vibration problems due to the freeplay in their mechanical linkages. The aim will be to study such effects, characterised by backlash, friction and
impacts, by using the theory of piecewise-smooth dynamical systems and their bifurcations.
Informal inquiries are welcome by email to either John Terry J.R.Terry@bristol.ac.uk (life sciences applications), Eddie Wilson
RE.Wilson@bristol.ac.uk (engineering applications) or any other member of the Bristol Centre for Applied Nonlinear Mathematics (http://www.enm.bris.ac.uk/anm/).
Application and reference forms can be downloaded from: http://www.bris.ac.uk/prospectus/postgraduate/2008/intro/apply.html Alternatively, hard copies can be obtained by e-mailing
Completed applications and references should be sent to:
Postgraduate Admissions,
Faculty of Engineering,
University of Bristol,
Queen's Building,
University Walk,
Bristol BS8 1TR.
Applications can only be considered on submission of all appropriate documentation.
Applications can be made immediately. Early applications are strongly encouraged.
Humanity in Action 2008 - програма і стипендія для українців в Польщі
Ярема П. - 28-1-2008 у 15:41
Подаю витяги з оголошення (основне виділено):
2008 Core Fellowship Applications
Humanity in Action is now accepting applications for its 2008 Core Fellowship Programs. Please note that application deadlines vary from country to
Call for Applications – Polish Summer Program 2008
Application Deadline: January 31, 2008
Opening Program in Copenhagen: June 7 – June 10, 2008
Summer Core Program in Warsaw: June 11 – July 4, 2008
Closing Program in Copenhagen: July 5 – July 8, 2008
Follow-up Program in the USA: Autumn 2008 or Winter 2009
I. What is HiA?
Humanity in Action is a transatlantic organization devoted to the study and improvement of democratic societies and human rights, specifically the
relationship between majority and minority populations. HiA brings together Western and Eastern European, American, and Israeli students who have an
active interest in human and minority rights, and are ready to share their experiences in enhancing and defending them. We invite applications from
students who are serious about both thorough study and proactive, grassroots engagement.
Humanity in Action organizes summer programs that take place simultaneously in Amsterdam, Berlin, Copenhagen, Paris, and Warsaw, with joint opening
and closing sessions. All five programs are run on the same framework: 10 days of seminars, 10 days of research, and a nine-day follow-up program in
the United States. For a more detailed look, please check our website, http://www.humanityinaction.org, for reports and testimonials by Senior Fellows from previous years.
Humanity in Action programs are interdisciplinary, intellectually rigorous, and socially engaging. They consist of seminars, site visits, guided field
work, written and oral reports. Following the Core Program, the Fellows are required to launch action projects that engage pressing issues in their
home institutions and communities. These action plans must be implemented within a year after completing the summer program. Those Fellows who have
successfully participated in the summer program and who have carried out their action plan will become Senior Fellows. These Senior Fellows are part
of an international network of people committed to human rights and minority rights. One of the goals of Humanity in Action is to build a relationship
with the Fellows that will continue long after the summer program.
HIA Programs are not meant to be hands-on training for human rights activists, but rather to help the fellows gain a well-informed awareness of
minority issues which can, in turn, direct their voluntary and professional careers. Indeed, experience shows that many of the Senior Fellows use the
awareness they gained from HIA in community work, further education and career paths in government, non-profit organizations, media and the private
II. Program in Poland
During the Summer Program in Warsaw, participants from Germany, Poland, Ukraine and the US will be offered two weeks of lectures and
site visits investigating how the Polish society and state deal with its various minorities and human rights issues, both historically and
contemporarily. Then, for another two weeks, participants will work in teams to prepare oral and written reports on specific issues among the
program’s themes.
III. Who can apply?
We invite Polish, German and Ukrainian students, as well as students who study at universities in these countries on a permanent
basis, to submit their applications for the 2008 Warsaw summer program.
Eligible candidates are:
* those who have completed at least two semesters of study and who gained the status of undergraduate students (BA or MA) prior to the beginning
of the program (7th of June, 2008).
* those students who have completed their undergraduate studies in 2008.
Ph.D. students are not eligible.
Humanity in Action is looking for students from all backgrounds and academic disciplines who are mature, self-reliant, flexible, and comfortable in
intensive group activity and interaction. They must speak, understand, and write English fluently.
IV. Costs
Costs and expenses for participation in the program are covered.
The Polish Program is supported by the Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future.
Детальніше дивитися тут
і тут
Ярема П. - 5-3-2008 у 12:33
Може когось зацікавить:
The Graduate School of Social Sciences at the University of Aarhus in
Denmark invites international students to apply for admission to our
three- and four-year PhD programmes in Political science, Psychology,
Law, Economics and management or Social sciences.
Highly qualified students are invited to apply for admission to the PhD
degree programme at the Graduate School of Social Sciences, University
of Aarhus, Denmark:
- 4-year PhD scholarships
- 3-year PhD fellowships
The Graduate School of Social Sciences offers:
- Well-paid scholarships & free admission
- Efficient and highly qualified advising
- Internationally recognized faculty
- Friendly working environment & excellent facilities
- Outstanding career opportunities.
A PhD from the Graduate School of Social Sciences at
the University of Aarhus will be recognized as a candidate trained in
the latest, most advanced research methods, thereby giving access to
inspiring positions in academia worldwide, or a fulfilling career in
consulting and management in the public or private sectors, where demand
for highly specialized knowledge continues to grow.
Application deadlines: 15 May and 15 November
Graduate School of Social Sciences
University of Aarhus. Denmark
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need further information on
our PhD degree programmes.
Yours sincerely,
Jette Hoeg
Head of PhD Section
Faculty of Social Sciences
University of Aarhus
DK-8000 Aarhus C
Стипендія Фонду королеви Ядвіги в Кракові
Ярема П. - 9-4-2008 у 13:22
Від березня до 31 травня приймають документи на стипендію королеви Ядвіги в
Кракові. Стипендія ця є для молодих науковців з східної Європи, зокрема з України.
Нижче детальніше по англійськи.
The Queen Jadwiga Fund was established to commemorate the historic deed accomplished by Queen Jadwiga, who bequeathed her entire private estate for
the renewal of the University of Cracow, thereby laying the foundation for six centuries of continuing scholarship and academic teaching in the
Jagiellonian University of Cracow. The Fund's aim is to provide Scholarships for academics and doctoral students from Central and Eastern Europe, the
countries of the former Soviet Union, and the Balkans, who wish to conduct scholarly research in the City of Cracow. It is the Founders' intention in
this way to launch a new opportunity for the furthering of close links and scholarly exchange between the academics in this part of Europe; and that
Cracow and its University again be, as in former times, a centre for learning prominent for its academic authority in the East and South.
The Fund is managed by the Rector of the Jagiellonian University assisted by the Fund's Council, which consists of members elected from the community
of senior academics from all the University's Faculties. The members of the Council also serve as its Admissions Board. The Fund's financial resources
come from donations and gifts made by private persons and corporations. Our aim is to establish a basic capital resources bank which will enable the
Fund to operate independently and flexibly irrespective of the sums and frequency of future contributions.
Our full Scholarships amount to monthly cash payments of 1,500 PLN for academics, plus free accommodation in one of the University's halls of
residence in a double - occupancy room and basic medical care for the duration of Scholarship in Cracow. The duration for Scholarships is from one to
six months, depending on the nature of the academic project a candidate presents.
Within 8 years of its activity, the fund invited to Cracow almost 736 academics and students.
The competition for academic year 2007/2008 was effected and another 36 scholarships for scientists and doctoral students were granted. The
scholarship holders will do their research in Kraków from October 2007 till June 2008.
The competition for the year 2008/2009 was announced. The applications are being accepted to arrive not later than by May 31st
Within the frames of the Queen Jadwiga Fund, starting with the 2004/2005 academic year, the scholarships named after Jozef Dietl, concerning doctoral
students in medical sciences (from Eastern Europe), are granted each year.
The Scholarships are granted for 12 months.
Детальніше дивитися тут: http://www.jubileum.uj.edu.pl/fund/jadwiga.html
Ярема П. - 7-7-2008 у 13:59
Оголосили результати конкурсу на стипендію королеви Ядвіги в Кракові на 2008/2009
рік. Результат - список переможців є тут http://www.jubileum.uj.edu.pl/fund/jadwiga_wyniki_konkursu_pl2008.h... .
Юрій Сєров - 14-10-2008 у 13:00
Відомий Фонд Вишеградського знову оголошує про відкриття конкурсу на стипендії
для студентів з Албанії, Вірменії, Азербайжану, Бєларусі, Боснії і Герцеговини,
Хорватії, Грузії, Македонії, Молдови, Чорногорії, Сербії та України для навчання в
вузах Вишеградської четвірки (Чеська республіка, Угорщина, Польща і Словачина).
Цього року в цьому конкурсі можуть приймати участь також студенти з Грузії.
Україна бере участь вже другий рік підряд (чи третій?). Детальніше дивитися http://visegradfund.org/scholarships.html .
Для студентів з України існує спеціальна програма. Лауреати цієї програми можуть
навчатися в одній з країн Вишеградської четвірки, отримуючи стипендію 2500 Євро
При цьому приймаюча цього студента інституція отримає 1500 Євро за семестр.
Кандидати на цю стипендію повинні провчитися в свому домашньому вузі мінімум 4
семестри. З початку 2008 року існує можливість заповнювати і редактувати свої
аплікаційні форми онлайн http://visegradfund.org/registration.html .
Дедлайн для подання аплікації на конкурс: 31 січня 2009 року.

Ярема П. - 3-12-2010 у 18:12
Надійшла сьогодні така інформація про навчання у Франції:
Dear International Relations Officer,
I'm contacting you to give you information about opportunities for your
students to study in France and especially in our institution, the
University of Montpellier 2.
The French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs launched the Eiffel
excellence scholarship programme to support French centres of higher
education in their international initiatives, in a context of mounting
competition among developed countries, to attract best student on
master's, engineering and PhD courses.
Grants are awarded for 2nd or 3rd cycle diploma courses in three fields:
engineering sciences, economics- management, law-political sciences. The
grant will be allowed for the academic year 2011-2012.
More information about the Eiffel programme is available on this link:
The University of Montpellier 2 is involved in several European and
international programmes and welcomes near 2500 foreign students.
Following this link you will find the offer of formation of the
University Montpellier 2:
We will select best candidates next week (7th December), so we kindly
request you to diffuse this information to your students and professors
If they are interested, they have to send me their resume and their
personal project : why they want to study in France and why in
Montpellier, their field of research (doctorate), the UM2 professional
master degree they want to apply (Master), their career plan, etc. (1
or 2 pages max)
Contact: prudence.barbera@univ-montp2.fr
Thanking you in advance and hoping to hear from you soon,
Best Regards
Prudence Barbera
Ірина Роздольська - 4-12-2010 у 12:31
Не зовсім грант, це оголошення про роботу з можливістю роботи з дому. Потрібно
бути мовцем української і трохи петрати в комп’ютерах.
Ukrainian & Applied Linguistics, Computational Linguistics, Lexicography: Linguist, Lionbridge Testing Services
Employer: Lionbridge Testing Services
Finland, Tampere
Rank or Title: Linguist
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics
Computational Linguistics
Language Specialty: Ukrainian
LL Issue: 21.4443
Date Posted: 04-Nov-2010
Job Description: Lionbridge Technologies, Inc. (Nasdaq: LIOX) is a leading provider of
globalization and testing services. Lionbridge combines global resources
with proven program management methodologies to serve as an outsource
partner throughout a client's product and content life cycle -- from
development to globalization, testing and maintenance. Global organizations
in all industries rely on Lionbridge services to increase international
market share, speed adoption of global products and content, and enhance
their return on enterprise applications and IT system investments. Based in
Waltham, Mass., Lionbridge now maintains more than 50 solution centers in
over 20 countries and provides services under the Lionbridge and VeriTest
brands. To learn more, visit our website.
Position Description
We are looking for linguists for a linguistic development project. Work
load might be part-time or full time depending on the project needs. You
are able to work from home, no relocation needed.
Required Skills/Background
-Mother tongue Ukrainian
-Educational background in Ukrainian linguistics or Ukrainian philology
-Experience in software development
-Experience with at least one scripting language
-Experience in document authoring, styling, and change control.
-Ability to take initiative and manage oneself
-The ability to deal effectively with people, requiring tact, courtesy,
patience and an outgoing personality
-Great attention to detail
-Good communication skills
-Good organizational and analytical skills, with the ability to work in a
logical and methodical way
-Experience in analyzing language (recognition) and/or synthesizing
language (generation)
-Experience in computational linguistics
-Experience in computer assisted authoring or machine and automated
translation process
-Experience in working in/with large international companies
-Experience in working in a multicultural environment
Please add the following details in your application:
-Your Availability
-Desired hourly compensation
Application Deadline: Open until filled
Email Address for Applications: jobs.tampere@lionbridge.com
Contact Information:
HR Manager Kati Sarkka
Email: kati.sarkka@lionbridge.com
Ярема П. - 15-12-2010 у 14:11
Ще одна стипендія для українських громадян у Відні!!!!
Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, Wien, 01.09.2011-
30.06.2012 Bewerbungsschluss: 31.01.2011
The joint fellowship program of the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna and the Center for Urban History of East Central Europe in Lviv (Ukraine)
supports research on the legacies of Europe in the history of Ukraine. Topics include modern intellectual, cultural, social and political
history. Topics related to urban studies or to one of the IWM's research foci are especially welcome.
The fellow will spend a ten-month term from September 2011 to June
2012 at the IWM in Vienna. The stipend is meant to cover accommodation, living expenses, travel, health insurance and incidentals during the stay at
the Institute. Furthermore, the IWM will provide an office, access to the internet, in-house research facilities and other relevant resources in
Candidates for the Fellowship
- must be Ukrainian citizens or permanently reside in Ukraine for purposes of study or research
- must be enrolled in a doctoral program or have recently obtained a Ph.D.
- must not be older than 35 years
The application consists of the following
- a project proposal in English (not more than 3 double-spaced pages)
- a curriculum vitae including a list of publications
- two letters of recommendation
Please send all application documents as e-mail attachments (Word or
PDF) to the Academic Coordinator of the Center for Urban History of East Central Europe, Dr. Iryna Matsevko Subject header: IWM Fellowship
Letters of Recommendation should be sent separately by the referees to the same e-mail address. A jury will evaluate the applications and select the
finalists who will be invited for an interview to the Center in Lviv at the beginning of April 2011. The result of the competition will be announced
not later than April 8, 2011. The jury is not required to justify its decisions in public.
Iryna Matsevko
Center for Urban History of East Central Europe, Lviv
Ярема П. - 21-12-2010 у 11:37
PhD-Fellowships, Physical Violence and State Legitimacy in Late Socialism, Potsdam/D
*International Research Network*
*Physical Violence and State Legitimacy in Late Socialism*
*Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam*
4 Fellowships (PhD)
The Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam (ZZF Potsdam) is pleased to invite applications for four /fellowships/ (PhD) to provide graduate students
with the opportunity to accomplish a doctoral thesis within the thematic field of the international research network 'Physical Violence and State
Legitimacy in Late Socialism'.
The duration of each /fellowship/ will be limited to three years.The designated start of the fellowships will be April 1, 2011.
The international research network 'Physical Violence and State Legitimacy in Late Socialism' includes Postdoc-Research Fellows from various countries
in East Central and South Eastern Europe and is generously funded by the Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (WGL) in Germany. It will
be coordinated by the ZZF Potsdam together with the Institute for South East European Studies in Regensburg (Prof. Ulf Brunnbauer), the
Ludwig-Boltzmann-Institute for European History and Public Spheres in Vienna (Prof. Thomas
Lindenberger) and the Chair of Comparative and Transnational History at the European University Institute in Florence (Prof. Pavel Kolár().
The research agenda of the network is concerned with the relationship between physical violence and the societal desintegration in East Central and
South Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union during the post-Stalinist period of communism. Prospective research should be directed to the
following questions: How did the state control of violence and the ways of its political legitimation change after the demise of Stalinism in the
1950s? To what extent had physical violence itself disappeared from the political sphere and was rather incorporated within the post-Stalinist
societies and their everyday life? How did this transformation in turn question both the legitimacy claims of the late socialist regimes and its
acceptance by the population in general thus contributing to the long-term decline of communism?
The project's main objective is to establish an international research network of scholars (PhD-students and Postdoc-Research Fellows)who contribute
with their research to a rising awareness of the historical complexity of late socialism and its interdependency with the overall ambiguities of late
industrialist societies in general. The network will therefore strengthen international cooperation and support comparative and transnational research
in the field of communist studies.
Individual projects by PhD candidates should address one of the following thematic fields:
- Spheres with state monopoly of physical violence
- Physical violence in everyday life
- Collective physical violence as a social and political phenomenon
- Physical violence and state legitimacy in political thought
- Media representations of physical violence
Further information on the project can be found at
The grants are directed to young international scholars who have obtained their M.A. in history or any other discipline in the humanities or social
sciences with great honour. The candidates should have a good working knowledge of English and another relevant language depending on their research
area. A basic knowledge of German is appreciated.
The fellowship carries a monthly stipend of 1.200 ¬ for three years.
In addition to the monthly stipend it includes funding for research trips and conferences. Academic supervision of the dissertations will be
coordinated with the partner institutions in Regensburg, Florence and Vienna. The ZZF and its partner institutions will provide fully equipped office
space and other relevant facilities.
The Centre for Contemporary History and its partner institutions aim to increase the number of women in the field of research and therefore explicitly
encourage the application of female PhD- candidates.
*The application deadline is**January 24, 2011.*
*Interviews will be held in Mid-February 2011.*
All applications must include:
1. A letter of interest;
2. A curriculum vitae;
3. A project proposal (1,500 words);
4. A letter of recommendation.
You can send your application by mail or email. The letter of recommendation should be sent under separate cover. No applications or recommendations
by fax will be accepted.
Please direct any further inquiries and your application to:
Dr. Jens Gieseke
Head of Department 'Communism and Society'
Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung
Am Neuen Markt 1
14467 Potsdam
Ярема П. - 21-12-2010 у 11:38
Seven Postdoc Research Ass., Slavic and East European Studies, Ghent University/B
The Faculty of Arts at Ghent University has just advertized 7 postdoctoral research assistantships ('doctor-assistentschappen'), to start on 1 October
2011 (or as soon as possible thereafter). The posts will be awarded to the candidates most likely to contribute to the Faculty's strong research
profile, irrespective of discipline.
The Department of Slavic and East European Studies wishes to draw attention to this opportunity, and ask potential candidates in the field to get in
touch now, so as to receive detailed instructions on application details and procedures (the advertisement - in Dutch - can be found at http://www.ugent.be/nl/actueel/vacatures/aap/lw-da-122010). Please note that the application deadline is January 10, 2011. Candidates should not
only hold the PhD by the application deadline but should already have published at least 4 articles that have appeared (or have been formally
accepted for publication) in journals indexed by ISI (see http://science.thomsonreuters.com/, and click on Master Journal List), or be the author of a scholarly book with a publisher that appears on a
Ghent University list (see http://www.ugent.be/nl/onderzoek/beleid/bibliometrie/itgeverijen.ht... ).
These postdoctoral research assistantships involve an appointment for a fixed term of three years, which may be extended by one year (provided
appointment has commenced no later than 1 October 2011).
The positions carry a limited teaching load (typically one course at MA level). At least 90% of the incumbent's time should be devoted to activities
(personal research and/or stimulating the research of junior team members) that lead to publication which can be valorized by the Faculty of Arts in
terms of interuniversity and interfaculty funding mechanisms. Candidates will need to submit a (phased) publication plan with their application.
Remuneration and social security coverage are at a competitive level (lecturer/junior professor), with a minimum gross starting salary of 44,000
Potential candidates can contact me off list at dieter.debruyn@ugent.be<mailto:dieter.debruyn@ugent.be>.
dr. Dieter De Bruyn
Department of Slavic and East European Studies Ghent University
Ярема П. - 27-12-2010 у 15:44
Opportunities for PhD study in the School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES), University College London
Applications are now open for PhD study at SSEES. For further details see http://www.ssees.ucl.ac.uk/prospect/gradrsch.htm
AHRC Doctoral Competition (for students working in the Arts and
Humanities): SSEES is able to offer 3 MPhil scholarships in the AHRC Doctoral Competition for Slavonic Studies for 2011 and is also accepting
applications under History. Deadline for receipt of a copy of the admissions application and statement of intent to apply at
SSEES: 1 March 2011.
ESRC Doctoral Open Competition (for students working in Economics and the Social Sciences): Deadline for receipt of application at SSEES: 1 March
UCL Scholarships (open to all UCL students): Deadline for receipt of application at SSEES: 1 February 2011.
SSEES Foundation Scholarship (one three-year entrance scholarship awarded annually) : Deadline for receipt of application at SSEES: 1 March 2011.
Victor and Rita Swoboda Memorial Scholarship (for SSEES students working in Ukrainian Studies): Applicants for these awards must also apply to study
in the Department before the funding deadline: 1 March 2011.
Applicants are strongly advised to contact the department to discuss their proposal in advance of the deadline.
Any enquiries regarding these awards and Postgraduate study in the Department of Russian and Slavonic Studies should be addressed to Professor Julian
Graffy, j.graffy@ssees.ucl.ac.uk<mailto:j.graffy@ssees.ucl.ac.uk>
Ярема П. - 12-1-2011 у 18:36
Стипендії в Баварії (спочатку текс німецькою, потім англійською):
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
Wir moechten Sie auf folgende Ausschreibung aufmerksam machen und Sie bitten diese an Ihre Studierende und Interessierte weiterzuleiten:
Jahresstipendien des Freistaates Bayern 2011/12
Das Bayerische Hochschulzentrum für Mittel-, Ost- und Südosteuropa (BAYHOST)
vergibt im Auftrag des Bayerischen Staatsministeriums für Wissenschaft,
Forschung und Kunst voraussichtlich für das Studienjahr 2011/12 erneut
Jahresstipendien an Hochschulabsolventen aus Bulgarien, Kroatien, Polen,
Rumaenien, Serbien, der Slowakei, Tschechien, der Ukraine und Ungarn. Das
Stipendium dient der Finanzierung eines Promotions-, Aufbau- oder
Postgraduierten-Studiums an einer bayerischen Universitaet oder Hochschule. Es
wird zunaechst für ein Jahr gewaehrt und kann auf Antrag verlaengert werden.
Nähere Informationen, Antworten auf haeufig gestellte Fragen und das
Online-Bewerbungsformular finden Sie unter http://www.bayhost.de, "Stipendien"
Bewerbungsfrist ist der 15. Februar 2011 (Eingangsstempel).
Gerne schicken wir Ihnen auch die Flyer und Poster für dieses Programm per Post zu. Eine kurze Nachricht genügt.
Sollten Sie Fragen zu dem Stipendienprogramm haben, koennen Sie diese jederzeit an info@bayhost.de<mailto:info@bayhost.de> richten.
Mit besten Gruessen
Marian Mure
Stipendienprogramme BAYHOST
Dear Madam or Sir,
I would like to inform you about our
one year scholarships for postgraduate and doctoral studies at Bavarian universities and universities of applied sciences. The Free State of Bavaria
sponsors one year scholarships for graduates from Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and the Ukraine.
The scholarships are meant to finance doctoral or postgraduate studies at Bavarian universities.
Further information and the online application form can be found on our website, under
http://www.bayhost.de → "en"→ "scholarships".
Application deadline is the 15th of February 2011. (date of receipt!)
We would greatly appreciate if you could distribute this information to interested students and would welcome applications from your university.
Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. (e-mail: info@bayhost.de).
Marian Mure
Scholarship Programs BAYHOST
Marian Mure, M.A.
Bayerisches Hochschulzentrum fuer Mittel-, Ost- und Suedosteuropa
Universitaetsstrasse 31
D-93053 Regensburg
Tel.: ++49 (0)941-943-5046, -5049 - Fax: ++49 (0)941-943-5051
E-Mail: mure@bayhost.de
URL: http://www.bayhost.de
EURENSSA 2011 (EURopean ENvironmental Sciences Student Association)
Ярема П. - 4-3-2011 у 18:48
Dear Sir / Madam,
We would like to invite environmental science/management students as well as young professionals from all over Europe to Ukraine for the 6th European
Environmental sciences student summer camp called EURENSSA 2011 (EURopean ENvironmental Sciences Student Association).
We kindly ask you to pass this information further to anybody who would be interested in it. Thank you in advance for your help!
Marina Puzina,
Project coordinator of EURENSSA 2011
and Adjutor team
Ярема П. - 4-3-2011 у 18:50
Let me inform you that EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy - a think-tank that undertakes program, project, publishing and training activities
related to the European integration process organizes another year (9th) of summer school program for university students in July 2011.
In July 9- 19, 2011 the summer school under a title "What Europe in 2020 - Ever Closer, Ever Larger?" will take place in Prague. You can find further
details on our homepage http://www.europeum.org/ess2011 or you can see the promotion leaflet at http://www.europeum.org/ess2011/doc/poster2011.pdf.
We would greatly appreciate if you could help us spread this information among your colleagues and friends.
Thank you in advance for your kind help.
Best regards,
Radomir Spok
Director of European Summer School 2011
EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
Rytirska 31
CZ-11000 Praha 1
Ярема П. - 23-3-2011 у 11:10
Школа молодих професіоналів (повна підтримка учасників з України!!!!)
Dear Mr. / Mrs.,
Let me please inform you of an upcoming educational event that could be of interest to your top students.
The 6th Summer School for Young Professionals 2011- Challenges of Global Security Environment, takes place on 25 June - 3 July 2011
at the Armed Forces Academy of General M. R. Štefánik (AFA) in Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovakia as well as in Uzghorod in Ukraine.
It is a weeklong forum that is focused on the current challenges of international security policy.
The structure of the teaching at the summer school is aimed to provide students with fundamental knowledge concerning security policy, including the
main actors of security policy in Europe; main security threats of today such as cyber terrorism, strategic defence review, extremism, conflict
regions, current event in Middle East and Africa and energy security.
One of the main objectives of this international summer school is the preparation of young professionals to be able to act within the area of foreign
and security policy. Interactive discussions and lectures led by top speakers from various international and Slovak organizations will therefore focus
on open exchange of ideas and interaction of participants from different backgrounds. Next to the seminars there will be many side activities, dynamic
workshops, trip to nearby High Tatras, city of Liptovský Mikuláš, Airbase in Prešov, receptions and several others.
Summer school is intended for master and doctoral level students of political science and/or international relations who are interested in the foreign
and security policy issues. Up to 30 students from Central Europe, South Eastern Europe, South Caucasus and Ukraine will be attending this event. As
this summer school implicates English as its working language, the students' skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening to English have to be
at least intermediate. In the end of the week they will receive a certificate which is proving your course attendance and is issued by the Armed
Forces Academy.
The Summer school for young professionals will challenge the students in many ways; generally it will test their leadership skills and expose them to
cross-cultural experiences. We are convinced that the summer school will be an educational experience that the students will always remember!
This is the sixth year that the Centre for European and North Atlantic Affairs (CENAA), together with its partner AFA, is organizing this summer
school in Slovakia and the third time that it will also take place in Ukraine. The project is realized with the support given by NATO PDD, Slovak
Ministry of Defence, Slovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well as the Embassy of United States of America.
Our aim for the future is to make the Summer school for young professionals as international as possible, which we intend to achieve with the help of
institutions like yours. We would like therefore to develop a relationship with your institution to provide young active professionals with this
experience. As a first step in working with your institution, we would very much appreciate if you would be so kind as to forward the attached letter,
preliminary program and application form to any students who you think might be interested in attending. Also, attached you will find our poster -
please feel free to print some and to display it where the students can see it.
All relevant information about our organization, "Summer School for Young professionals 2011" and our other activities can be found at our website http://cenaa.org/en/?page_id=38.
We would like to kindly ask you if you would reply to this email confirming your mailing address and contact information. We would strongly appreciate
your assistance in helping us spread the word about the Summer school for young professionals in order to ensure that this international summer school
is a continued academic success and provide future leaders with an invaluable experience.
We look forward to a fruitful future cooperation.
With best regards from Bratislava,
Cenaa Summer-School Team
Centre for European and North Atlantic Affairs Haanova 10 P.O. Box 209
851 04 Bratislava
Slovak republic
Summer school for young professionals 2011 Email:school@cenaa.org<mailto:school@cenaa.org>
Website: http://cenaa.org/en/?page_id=38
Tel.: +421 910 407 706
Summer School for Young Professionals 2011 CENAA - Centre for European and North Atlantic Affairs Haanova 10, Bratislava 851 04 P.O.Box. 209; http://www.cenaa.org<http://www.cenaa.org/>
Tel.: + 421 2 6241 3650
Find us on Facebook<http://www.facebook.com/pages/Cenaa-Centre-for-European-and-North-Atlantic-Affairs/160517517319674> !
Ярема П. - 22-4-2011 у 22:35
Трохи смішно, але:
Dear friends!
We are glad to inform you that the registration on the VI International Summer School “Achievements and Applications of Contemporary Informatics,
Mathematics and Physics” (AACIMP – 2011) has already been opened! The Summer School will be held on August from 8th till 20th, 2011 in the
National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”.
Registration on AACIMP-2011:
Early term of registration – until June 1.
Late term of registration - until August 1.
To register you have to fill in an application on the AACIMP website: http://www.summerschool.ssa.org.ua.
Educational program of AACIMP-2011
The courses are presented in form of lectures, seminars, workshops and discussions according to the topics of four areas (streams):
* Operational Research (Game Theory, Experimental Economics, Mathematical Finance, Logistics, Mathematical Modeling);
* Computer Science (Cloud Computing, Informational Retrieval, Informational Security, Mobile Platforms);
* Neuroscience (Biologically Plausible Modeling of Neurons and Neural Networks, Brain-computer Interfacing, Models of Synaptic Transmission,
Models of Neuron Population and Visual Cortex);
* Science of Global Challenges (Advanced Energy, Astrophysics, Virology, Genetics, Strategic Analysis)
Tutors of AACIMP-2011 are the scientists from well-known universities of Germany, France, Belgium, Sweden, Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Turkey,
USA and the leading specialists of world's largest companies, such as Ernst&Young, IBM, Cisco, NetCracker and many others. The participants of
Summer School have the unique possibility to get information today what the whole world will know only tomorrow.
Social events of AACIMP-2011
If you want to discover something new, gain bright impressions, meet new people, find out more about culture, history of Ukraine and ancient Kyiv –
join Summer School. Your staying in Kyiv during AACIMP will be fascinating and unforgettable.
We are open to cooperation and are ready to consider proposals for the courses and Summer School Teachers for the future. We welcome your suggestions
at summerschool@ssa.org.уа
You can find more detailed information in attached file.
Yours faithfully,
Student Science Association, NTUU "KPI",
E-mail: summerschool@ssa.org.uа
Web-site: http://summerschool.ssa.org.ua
Ярема П. - 16-6-2011 у 16:50
Можливо когось цікавить постдок з хімії і біомедицини:
University of Montpellier 1 Postdoctoral Programme
The University of Montpellier 1 has introduced a postdoctoral programme, as it is part of its mission to support scientific research.
The aim of this programme is to allow talented, young researchers to join one of the established research groups within the University
of Montpellier 1 and focus on the following areas of research: Biomedicine and Chemistry.
With the help of this programme, the University of Montpellier 1 wishes to foster and to strengthen new dynamic input into the research
work carried out by its different research groups and assist the development of new innovative research programmes.
To find out more about the projects recently selected for the second campaign and to get information on how to apply,
please click on the link below :
which, starting from 2011, will offer twenty one-year post-doctoral fellowships (with the possibility to be renewed once) each year.
Ярема П. - 6-2-2012 у 21:40
Велика оферта пост-доків в Чехії, а саме в Празі:
Post-Doc Research Fund for Foreign Young Researchers* Wishing to Work at Charles University in Prague
A/ Basic Description and Goal
As a 'research university' CU has an interest in the development of research. It is therefore desirable that high-quality post-doctoral researchers
from abroad should participate in work at top CU/faculty centres and collaborate here on the intensive development of scientific research and
scholarship. The goal of this project is to attract promising post-docs who will research a chosen theme at the relevant centres of CU. The main
initiator is always the relevant department/centre of the faculty/institute which has an interest in the research area/project concerned. The CU
Research Board is involved in the management of the process. Fund at CU for Foreign 'Post-Doc' Researchers started on August 1st 2011.
B/ Conditions for Realisation
a) The scientific-research centre/department of the faculty has the prerequisites (space, necessary technical resources etc.) to accept a foreign
applicant in the category of research workers for work on the relevant research project.
b) The university has the financial resources (non-investment) to cover the essential expenses for conducting the research project and to cover the
salary of the applicants.
c) The post-doc worker is accepted to work on the research project for a period of two years
d) Stays are planned in three areas (humanities, natural sciences and medical fields).
C/ Procedure
1. The research centre proposes a viable theme (annotation), falling within its research activities, to be tackled by the applicant's project. After
being conveyed to the relevant department of the faculty, this theme is made public in the accessible media (pages of the faculty, CU, foreign
portals). One component of this publicization is the proposal of the faculty submitted directly also at the foreign faculty with which the home centre
has co-operative research ties.
2. After consultation with the research centre proposing the theme, the applicant draws up a detailed project and submits it to the faculty by a
stated deadline. His/her application includes a CV and list of publications, a statement from his/her PhD supervisor and a letter of recommendation
from the head of the department/institute where the applicant studied for his/her doctorate ('Application for post-doc grant at Charles University in
Prague' and 'Letter of Reference').
3. The faculty passes the application with project details to the CU Rectorate by a stated deadline. Academic communication will proceed with the
research centre proposing the theme.
4. The University Committee of five members is appointed by the Rector. This evaluates the project, makes a recommendation and determines the order on
whether it should be granted funds from the 'Post-DocResearch Fund' for the relevant year. The definitive allocation of funds is approved by the
5. The applicant is informed of the results of the procedure, including the possible date of commencement of the stay, and completes the necessary
formalities (visa etc.).
6. After the first year of work on the project, the University Committee as determined above will - by means of an interview with the post-doc worker
- evaluate the results achieved and will confirm the continuation of his/her stay for the following year. This interim checking process will include a
written report from the head of the centre (mentor) on the course of progress of the project. The result of the interview is then handed on to the CU
Rectorate's International Affairs Office.
7. Towards the end of the two-year period the realisation of the project is evaluated by the CU University Committee (presentation of final
conclusions with submission of publications), and the committee produces a report on the realisation of the project. The CU Research Board is then
informed of the result.
D/ Schedule
The applications will be considered twice in the academic year.
For the year 2012, there are two deadlines for the applications submissions at the Rectorate: 15th November 2011 and 20th March 2012.
The candidates must respect the deadlines given in the proposition of the research centre/institute.
>From : 1st of July 2012 Until : 1st of July 2014
* Faculty of Social Sciences
Title: Social space: a transdisciplinary issue of knowledge in the areas studies
The project of research proposes to question the valuable assets of spatiality in social sciences theoretical inquiries. The project intends to
propose a reflexion to the following question: To what extend the social space is (or isn't) a transdisciplinary issue of knowledge in social sciences
Besides an historiographical and theoretical research, the project aims at proposing a teaching activity in the form of a monthly seminar where
scholars (PhD student and researchers) of the faculty will be introduced with theories of place and space in the area studies and will discuss the
potential assets of these concepts for their own researches.
To perform the tasks, the research will follow two complementary axis. The first one is dedicated to the introduction of space in theoretical
inquiries in the area studies.
The second axis will question the geographical point of view of cultural memory. This axis is directly linked to researches at the UNCE Centrum pro
výzkum kolektivní paměti led by doc. PhDr. Jiří Vykoukal, CSc.
Axis 1. The introduction of space in theoretical inquiries in the area studies: In this axis, we will question the increasing number of empirical and
theoretical problematics in the area studies that introduced spatiality as an object of research. We will analyze to what extend the social space in
social sciences is not only an object of analysis, but a tool of comprehension and interpration of social phenomena.
Axis 2. Questioning social pasts in the present: toward a cultural geographical inquiry of spatial diachrony.
If the social construction of time and the social relation to space have been largely studied separately, we consider that the deconstruction of
scientific conception of time and space and, especially, their relations, permits to approach the spatial phenomena in the variety of its
temporalities. Through the analysis of the socio anthropological relation to places and spaces the project proposes a cognitive access to the way
societies construct their relation to the pasts.
Contact person: JUDr. PhDr. Tomáš Karásek, Ph.D.
Email: [Mail] prodekan.zahranicni@fsv.cuni.cz<mailto:prodekan.zahranicni@fsv.cuni.cz>< a
Tel.: +420 251 080 278
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Social Sciences, Smetanovo nábř. 995/6
110 01 Prague 1, CZ
* Faculty of Law
Title: Comparative Rights of EU Citizens and their Family Members in the Czech Republic and in other EM Member State(s): Transition and Implementation
of the Directive 2004/38/EC of 29 April 2004 on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the
territory of the Member States
Contact person: Prof. JUDr. Luboš Tichý, CSc.
Email: [Mail] lubos.tichy@prf.cuni.cz<mailto:lubos.tichy@prf.cuni.cz>< a
Tel.: + 420 221 005 576
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Law, Centrum právní komparistiky, nám. Curiových 7
116 46 Prague 1, CZ
* Faculty of Physical Education and Training
1. Identification of rates for sports talent in the young generation
2. Individual reflection of physical activities in an environment of postmodern society
Contact person: Doc. PaedDr. Bronislav Kračmar, CSc.,
Email: [Mail] hruskova@ftvs.cuni.cz<mailto:hruskova@ftvs.cuni.cz>< a
Tel.: +420 220 172 004
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Education and Training,
José Martího, 31, 116 32 Prague 6, CZ
* Faculty of Natural Sciences
Title: Numerical modelling of unsaturated soils
Contact person: Doc. RNDr. David Mašín, Ph.D.
Email:[Mail] masin@natur.cuni.cz<mailto:masin@natur.cuni.cz>< a
Tel: +420 221 951 552
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, Institute of Hydrogeology, Engineering
Geology and Applied Geophysics, Albertov 6, 128 43 Prague 2, CZ
Title: The role of seed bank in plant invasions: metaanalytical and experimental approach
Contact person: Prof. RNDr. Vojtěch Jarošík, CSc.
Email:[Mail] jarosik@cesnet.cz<mailto:jarosik@cesnet.cz>< a href="jarosik(zavinac)cesnet.cz">jarosik(zavinac)cesnet.cz</a> or [Mail]
vojtech.jarosik@natur.cuni.cz<mailto:vojtech.jarosik@natur.cuni.cz>< a
Tel: +420 221 951 854
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, Department of Ecology,
Viničná 7, 128 43 Prague 2, CZ
* Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Title: The early embryonic development - regulatory mechanisms of differentiation
Contact person: Doc. MUDr. Milena Králíčková, Ph.D.
Email: [Mail] milena.kralickova@lfp.cuni.cz<mailto:milena.kralickova@lfp.cuni.cz>< a
Tel.: +420 604 724 171, +420 377 593 321
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Dpt. of Histology and Embryology
Karlovarská 48, 301 00 Pilsen CZ
* 1st Faculty of Medicine
Title: Developmental mechanisms of arrhythmias
The successful candidate will work under the direction of David Sedmera on a project elucidating developmental mechanisms of arrhythmias using the
techniques of high-speed optical mapping of electrical activation in the embryonic heart established in the lab (Reckova et al., 2003) in combination
with state-of-the-art morphological techniques (in situ hybridization, immunoconfocal microscopy, 3D reconstruction techniques). The model organisms
used by the laboratory are avian embryos in ovo and transgenic mice. This line of research has a close relationship with the other directions of the
laboratory that include work on hypoxia (Nanka et al., 2008) and pathogenesis of embryonic heart failure (deAlmeida et al., 2007).The candidate would
also benefit from close interaction with the Departments of Developmental Cardiology and Cardiovascular Morphogenesis at Institute of Physiology of
the Academy of Sciences, located half an hour away in the campus of biomedical institutes at Krc (http://www.biomed.cas.cz/fgu<http://www.biomed.cas.cz/fgu> src="./images/smilies/wink.gif" style="border:none" alt=";)" />.
Contact person: Ass. Prof. David Sedmera, MD., D.Sc.
Email : [Mail] david.sedmera@lf1.cuni.cz<mailto:david.sedmera@lf1.cuni.cz>< a
Tel. +420 224 965 941
Charles University in Prague, First Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Anatomy
U nemocnice 3, 128 00 Prague CZ
* Third Faculty of Medicine
Title: Electrophysiological recording of the spinal cord functions during spine surgery
Contact person: Ass. Prof. Martin Krbec, M.D., Ph.D.
Email: [Mail] krbec@fnkv.cz<mailto:krbec@fnkv.cz>< a href="krbec(zavinac)fnkv.cz">krbec(zavinac)fnkv.cz</a>
Tel.: +420 267 162 431
Charles University in Prague, Third Faculty of Medicine, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology,
Šrobárova 50, 100 34 Prague 10, building H, CZ
Title: Mitochondrial dysfunction in initial stages of metabolic disorders
Contact person: MUDr. Jan Trnka Ph.D. MPhil.
Email: [Mail] jan.trnka@lf3.cuni.cz<mailto:jan.trnka@lf3.cuni.cz>< a
Tel.: +420 267 102 407
Charles University in Prague, Third Faculty of Medicine,
Department of Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology-Division of Biochemistry,
Ruská 87, 100 00 Prague 2, CZ
Title: Mechanism of spinal cord stimulation in pain suppression
Contact person: Ass. Prof. MVDr. Šimon Vaculín, Ph.D.
Email:[Mail] simon.vaculin@lf3.cuni.cz<mailto:>< a href=" simon.vaculin(zavinac)lf3.cuni.cz">
Tel.: +420 224 923 241
Charles University in Prague, Third Faculty of Medicine, Department of Normal, Pathological and Clinical Physiology,
Ruská 87, 100 00 Prague 2, CZ
Title: Modulation of GABA B receptor for neuropathic pain treatment
Contact person: Ass. Prof. MUDr. Miloslav Franěk, Ph.D.
Email: [Mail] franek@lf3.cuni.cz<mailto:franek@lf3.cuni.cz>< a href="franek(zavinac)lf3.cuni.cz">franek(zavinac)lf3.cuni.cz</a>
Tel.: +420 224 923 241
Charles University in Prague, Third Faculty of Medicine, Department of Normal, Pathological and Clinical Physiology,
Ruská 87, 100 00 Prague 2, CZ
Title: Biological high-resolution X-ray imaging using Medipix detectors
Contact person: MUDr. Jan Trnka Ph.D. MPhil.
Email: [Mail] jan.trnka@lf3.cuni.cz<mailto:jan.trnka@lf3.cuni.cz>< a
Tel.: +420 267 102 407
Charles University in Prague, Third Faculty of Medicine,
Department of Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology-Division of Biochemistry,
Ruská 87, 100 00 Prague 2, CZ
* Charles University in Prague, Environment Center
Title: Behavior and Environmental Economics: Applied Econometrics
More specifically, we invite applications in the field of applied econometrics with applications to residential energy demand and valuation of health
benefits by stated preference techniques. Experience in the field of household energy demand, mortality risk valuation, conjoint choice modelling will
be an asset. It is assumed that the applicant will collaborate with research fellows working in Environmental Economics & Sociology Unit of this
Contact person: Dr. Milan Ščasný
Email: [Mail] milan.scasny@czp.cuni.cz<mailto:milan.scasny@czp.cuni.cz>< a
Tel: +420 220 199 460
Charles Univesity in Prague, Environment Center, José Martíno 407/2
130 00 Prague 6, CZ
Application forms
The applicant should provide following application forms and documents:
* [Dokument ke stáhnutí] Application form<http://www.cuni.cz/UKENG-233-version1-application_form_postdoc_EN.doc>
* [Dokument ke stáhnutí] Letter of Reference<http://www.cuni.cz/UKENG-233-version1-letter_of_reference_EN.doc>
* Detailed CV
* List of publications
* Copy of university diploma
* up to 40 years
Ірина Роздольська - 28-1-2013 у 15:36
Можливо когось зацікавить: стипендії в Швеції на проведення досліджень для
українців, що працюють на кандидатською, або мають кандидата наук і вище: http://www.studyinsweden.se/Scholarships/SI-scholarships/Visby-Prog...
Олена Генералова - 8-2-2013 у 18:42
Читала і тут здається не було такого повідомлення - наукові стипендії для
дослідників з різних галузей, котрі пропрацювали у визначеній галузі не менше 2-ох
років, стипендійна програма ім. Лена Кіркланда у Польщі - http://www.kirkland.edu.pl/